IPS KALYXX – Galvanic water treatment to prevent scale

IPS Kalyxx is a device, made by ITS Todini for galvanic water treatment able to prevent the formation of scale or to reduce up to 75% the existing scale.

Why use IPS Galvanic water treatment 

  • Prevention against limescale
  • Prevention against corrosion
  • Antibacterial effects

Benefits with IPS

  • NO Maintenance
  • NO Chemical additives
  • NO External power supplies

How IPS works

The water flows through the IPS body that, through its electrodes, generates a small galvanic current which will change the crystalline structure of all the minerals in the water and they lose the ability to produce hard incrustations and wash themselves in the form of sludge. So the minerals don’t change the chemical composition of water but only their physical properties, for example the calcit (CaCo3) changes into a fine powder (CaCo3) called Aragonite.



Application field

• Pipeline drinking and hot water systems
• Cold and hot water system
• Sanitary equipment
• Heat and distribution devices
• Domestic appliances (including boilers)

Where to install

We recommend installing IPS at the entrance of the water network and of a filter, but it can also be installed up stream of each appliance without obligations of direction and without flow limitations.



Technical features

Article  Model Diameter int (mm) Width (mm) Lenght (mm) Kg Max flow (m3) Pressure Water conductivity μS/cm² Temp
13.00/K IPS KALYXX G 1/2 12 60 255 2,2 1 10 bar 50-2000  0-100°
13.01/K IPS KALYXX G 3/4 18 60 255 2,2 3,2 10 bar 50-2000  0-100°
13.02/K IPS KALYXX G 1″ 25 60 261 2,3 4 10 bar 50-2000  0-100°


Certificates and warranties

On request, the ITS Todini can send the certificates in question so as to be able to directly ascertain the results obtained by IPS all over the world.


10 years warranty.


ITS Todini is the only exclusive distributor for Italy.