- Classic Model
- In brick walls
- In dry walls
Idea Blu - Idea Blu 4.5

- In wall cistern dual flush Idea 3-6/9 lt and Idea 4.5 3-4.5/6 lt
- Sanification system
- Cable actuated flushing system
- Quiet float fill valve
- (PEHD) high density polyethylene cistern
- Insulated panels and net
- UNI EN 14055 certificated cistern
- 10 years warranty (cistern)
- Suitable with all floor wc
- Insulated Weldable flush pipe
- Connection pipe to the toilet
- Hangle stop cock
- Dust front panel cover
- Fixing screws and brackets
Technical Features
Total capacity | lt 10,5 |
Sanitizer tank capacity | lt 0,5 |
Total flush volume adjustment | Idea Blu lt 3- 6/9 | Idea Blu 4.5 lt 3-4,5/6 |
Flush pipe inside diameter | mm 50 |
Medium flush rate | l/s 2,2 |
Action | Dual flush |
Technical Documentation
Download the data sheet Idea Blu |
Download installation guide Idea Blu |
Download the data sheet Idea Blu 4.5 |
Download installation guide Idea Blu 4.5 |
Compatibility with control panels
Ideafix Blu - Ideafix Blu 4.5

- Galvanized steel frame for installation of wall hung sanitaries in brick walls
- In wall cistern dual flush Idea 3-6/9 lt and Idea 4.5 3-4.5/6 lt
- Sanification system
- Cable actuated flushing system
- Quiet float fill valve
- (PEHD) high density polyethylene cistern
- Insulated panels and net
- UNI EN 14055 certificated cistern
- Din load test 400 kg
- 10 years warranty (cistern)
- Suitable with wall hung sanitaries
- Connection pipe to the toilet
- Ø90 wall drain pipe
- Hangle stop cock
- Dust front panel cover
- Fixing screws to the sanitary
Technical Features
Total capacity | lt 10,5 |
Sanitizer tank capacity | lt 0,5 |
Total flush volume adjustment | Idea Blu lt 3- 6/9 | Idea Blu 4.5 lt 3-4,5/6 |
Flush pipe inside diameter | mm 50 |
Medium flush rate | l/s 2,2 |
Action | Dual flush |
Technical Documentation
Download the data sheet Ideafix Blu |
Download the data sheet Ideafix Blu - Ideafix Blu 4.5 |
Download installation guide Ideafix Blu - Ideafix Blu 4.5 |
Compatibility with control panels
Idealite Blu - Idealite Blu 4.5

- Steel frame painted with epoxidic powders for the installation of wall hung sanitaries in light walls
- In wall cistern dual flush Idea 3-6/9 lt and Idea 4.5 3-4.5/6 lt
- Sanification system
- Cable actuated flushing system
- Quiet float fill valve
- (PEHD) high density polyethylene cistern
- Insulated panels and net
- UNI EN 14055 certificated cistern
- Din load test 400 kg
- 10 years warranty (cistern)
- Suitable with wall hung sanitaries
- Connection pipe to the toilet
- Ø90 wall drain pipe
- Hangle stop cock
- Dust front panel cover
- Fixing screws to the sanitary
- Wall connection brackets
Technical Features
Total capacity | lt 10,5 |
Sanitizer tank capacity | lt 0,5 |
Total flush volume adjustment | Idea Blu lt 3- 6/9 | Idea Blu 4.5 lt 3-4,5/6 |
Flush pipe inside diameter | mm 50 |
Medium flush rate | l/s 2,2 |
Action | Dual flush |
Technical Documentation
Download the data sheet Idealite Blu - Idealite Blu 4.5 |
Download installation guide Idealite Blu - Idealite Blu 4.5 |